Day 6.

Day 6. Thursday 19 July - Stavanger

When I awoke fully a 7 am the sun was high and bright. there was cloud but the layer was much thinner. We seemed to have been about a mile off the Norwegian coast. previously in the light night sky we were further out but following the coast southerly. The sea was calm. Last night it had been quite rough that it was difficult to walk straight on the ship. All seemed to be walking as drunks but following the same line. Then this morning it was smooth and calm. 

We were right the sun was bright and warm. It was the first day that the sun caused us problems to take pictures. 

We thought that it was going to be a good day and we were to harbour directly in the city of Stavanger  Norway's 4th largest populated area which wan no larger than a large town. It made Salisbury look like Southampton in size in comparison. Until this point apart from Bergen we had only seen small towns, villages and hamlets. 

The temp was at 17c and we were harboured across from a "Costa" of equal proportions. the two ships only left a narrow passage for other local boats to pass. 

We took a look at the town for 2 and a half hours. It was really warm and we took many pictures. With the bright sun it was impossible to know exactly what or who was in the picture. At noon we went to lunch back on board. 

In the afternoon we went to the movies and saw the latest Judi Dench film about a hotel in India.(quite good and we enjoyed it, except for the sound see)


As we were getting ready for dinner the  announcement came that we were going to go through rough seas and we may need sea sickness tablets. To be careful walking around or if up in the night hold on to hand rails.  

After dinner we listened to Peter's band until bed time. 

Pictures from Stavanger

The old town
Steps to the old town were too steep and Sammy
could only make it this far.

The following pictures were taken by Sammy

I Thought I would add a few pictures here that I took on this day

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